epub |eng | 2013-03-19 | Author:Alex Hudson
dir = __originalDirname executeSpecsInFolder dir + ‘/spec’, (runner, log) -> if runner.results().failedCount == 0 process.exit 0 else process.exit 1 Again, directory layout is important. My personal preference is for a ...
( Category:
April 29,2014 )
epub |eng | 2012-01-27 | Author:Means, Garann [Garann Means]
Creating a Dynamic Page Unlike other server frameworks, choosing Node does not implicitly choose the templating engine you’ll use for creating pages. There existed several templating engines for JavaScript when ...
( Category:
April 6,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2011-07-10 | Author:Cecco, Raffaele [Raffaele Cecco]
Figure 6-13. Naively animating moving squares in Canvas may not give the result you expect Remember, Canvas is a low-level and immediate mode system: each loop iteration simply draws another ...
( Category:
April 1,2014 )
epub, pdf |eng | 2013-07-22 | Author:Nizamettin Gok & Nitin Khanna
Caution Since the Webkit is an open source browser engine, each mobile OS manufacturer might maintain a different version of WebKit. For example, WebKit in an iOS device is different ...
( Category:
March 26,2014 )
epub, mobi, pdf |eng | 2013-03-25 | Author:Craig Sharkie, Andrew Fisher [Sharkie, Craig]
Adapting Our Example Ahead, the road remains rocky for adaptive images. While srcset has entered draft status with the W3C, the document itself points out that “(i)mplementors should be aware ...
( Category:
March 26,2014 )
epub, pdf |eng | 2011-10-23 | Author:David Sawyer McFarland [David Sawyer McFarland]
Hiding Form Fields As is common on many product order forms, this tutorial’s form includes separate fields for collecting billing and shipping information. In many cases, this information is exactly ...
( Category:
March 26,2014 )
epub, pdf |eng | 2013-03-10 | Author:John Anderson
tableview = Ti.UI.createTableView(); rowData = []; for (i=0; i < 5; i++) { row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow(); btn1 = Ti.UI.createButton({left:10,height:30,width:75,title:"Button1"}); btn2 = Ti.UI.createButton({right:10,height:30,width:75,title:"Button2"}); row.add(btn1); row.add(btn2); rowData.push(row); } tableview.setData(rowData); tableview.addEventListener('click',function(evt){; }) ...
( Category:
March 26,2014 )
epub, pdf |eng | 2013-03-24 | Author:Evan Hahn
expect(8).toBeGreaterThan(5); expect(5).toBeLessThan(12); expect("a").toBeLessThan("z"); // Notice that it works for strings too! Not too difficult! Nearness: toBeCloseTo toBeCloseTo allows you to check if a number is close to another number, given ...
( Category:
March 26,2014 )
mobi, epub, pdf |eng | | Author:Andrew Burgess
The first way of changing this that we'll look at is yet another keyword: new. But first, some context. You know what a JavaScript object is. Keeping most of your ...
( Category:
March 25,2014 )
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